In the snow-covered, austere landscape of a Polish town, a young North African seeks elusive comfort. The soup he eats at the local Arab restaurant doesn't taste like the one back home, his flat is sadness itself and his future doesn't look too bright.

After witnessing the 'lucky' deportation of a friend, Halim attempts to commit an offense in order to be repatriated. However he hadn't counted on meeting a pretty Slav policewoman.

Festival international de Cinéma Marseille - FIDMarseille | France | 2018

Kyiv International Film Festival - KISFF | Ukraine | 2019

ZubrOFFka International Short Film Festival | Poland | 2019

Batumi International Art House Film Festival | Georgia | 2018

Festival Internacional de Cine de Villa de Leyva | Colombia | 2018

Supported by the Polish National Film School In Lodz (PWSFTViT)

Directed by Sandro Wysocki & Arjun Talwar
Short Fiction | 22min | Poland